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Turkey, Bacon, and Cheese Sliders

"The Secret ingredient is Always Cheese" -Marc Johns         Cheese is a versatile dairy product that is easy to use. You can find it in a wide range of flavors, textures and even forms, like soft or hard. Word on the street is there are over 1800 types of cheeses worldwide. If you are interested in learning more,  CLICK HERE!        One day I opened my fridge and saw an unopened package of turkey meat staring at me. I noticed that turkey wasn't a popular deli meat in our household; we preferred ham and pastrami sandwiches. Turkey is popular during the holidays like Thanksgiving or Christmas, which is kind of a bummer. Turkey is a lean meat which means it has less fat and calories than most other cuts of meat. I decided to see how I could mix turkey and cheese together, but not like a regular cold cut sandwich. I tend to figure out how to give a dish an extra pop .  Shall we get started?     Preheat y...

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